10) Because I believe pajamas are the most comfortable clothes ever, some years ago I gave up shoe shopping and became a pajama connoisseur. I love my jammies and have enough gowns and pjs to wear a different one each night for at least two weeks. But I found something new at Jacque Penne tonight. Something I didn’t yet have. Something that helps to complete my collection . . . no, never. I found a lovely white eyelet gown with lace and frills. It is sweet and somewhat dainty and demure looking. Covers from head neck to toes, but still manages to make me feel sexy. I love it.
9) The major draw back to my jammie fixation is: my shoes are wearing out. I haven’t bought a new pair of shoes in about six years and some of my pairs are 20+ years old. Yikes! I noticed a couple days ago that two of my favorite pair are needing replaced. No cobbler can fix them as the upper is splitting. Damn.
8) Chris and Liam left this afternoon to spend the weekend with his mom and stepdad. I will miss them, but I really needed a little time alone. I haven’t been able to get up when I want or go to bed when I want in about 22 months. Not to mention how I’ve neglected some of my hobbies that are problematic with a toddler under foot. Ahh! Just a bit of time.
7) Liam loves to be outside. The minute I get him out of the car he takes off on a walkabout. He walks with determination all over the yard and driveway and sidewalks. When I picked him up at day care today, we walked out to the car and while I was opening the door and tipping the front seat forward, he took off down their driveway just as fast as he could go, and let me tell you, he’s fast.
6) God has blessed me with a gift for design and crafting. I am putting it to good use making paraments for the Echo Community Methodist Church. I am having so much fun with this project. My creative juices are flowing and I am inspired! I love it.
5) Tulips and daffodils are sprouting in my flowerbeds. I drove (carefully) through a flock of robins this morning. Spring is finally here!
4) I’m going to Quilt Camp this year! The first weekend in May is Quilt Camp at Suttle Lake. Two friends and I are going to drive to Suttle Lake in central Oregon and spend three days sewing, quilting and crafting. Can’t wait!
3) I read “Slaughterhouse Five” a couple of days ago. It was never required reading where I went to school, so I had just never gotten around to it. I found it to be mildly entertaining, although I must admit, I’m not sure I’m clear on what all the fuss was about. It seemed rather an innocuous little book to me. Maybe I just didn’t get it.
2) Small boys are like tornadoes. Very unpredictable.
1) Something I read recently about Lent: “Of all the seasons of the church year, Lent is probably the most abused. It has become a period of excessive introspection, empty abstinence and the enjoyment of the gloom of self-denial. We have a need to rediscover Lent’s rich tradition. The purpose of ‘giving something up for Lent’ is not just to do without something as an end in itself. The purpose is to free up time, energy and resources which can then be put towards a fresh use for a new purpose.”
10 hours ago