For all my friends at Choose Awesome and anyone else who might be interested.
10) Doing one thing each day that scares me. Although being a Mom scares me to death, I do still try most days to do an additional thing that scares me just to make sure I keep on my toes.
9) Autumn. Fall. A rose by any other name . . . I absolutely LOVE this time of year.
8) Liam. My treasured son. He is awesome every single day and I get to be his mommy which has to be the most awesome responsibility ever.
7) My church community and the outlet they have given me to exercise my spiritual gifts.
6) Nancy, Jill & I started a little sewing circle. We meet every Thursday at 10 a.m. There is room for more. Care to join us?
5) The amazing body God has given each of us. Although mine looks more like a warehouse than a temple, I am determined to take steps to change that.
4) My mom: “more powerful than a locomotive.”
3) Fresh peaches. They have been exceptional this year.
2) The CD player in my car spontaneously starting working again. It took a six month hiatus, but I have tunes again and I am soooo happy!
1) Christmas music. It’s the best and I will listen to it year ‘round just as soon as my husband goes deaf.
10 hours ago